jueves, 20 de enero de 2022

 Short Answers

Do we know him?Yes, we do.No, we don't.
Can she see me?Yes, she can.No, she can't.
Have they read the book?Yes, they have.No, they haven't.
Is he hungry?Yes, he is.No, he isn't.

Saying Yes, I do. / No, I dont in English is more polite than just saying Yes. / No. Thats why short answers are very commonly used.

To form the short answer, you use the first word from the question. 

Use the long form (he does) in affirmative answers (yes).

Use the short form (he doesnt) in negative answers (no).



viernes, 14 de enero de 2022

5- The reigns of Fernando VII and Isabel II Fernando VII returns to the throne , he declared the constitution illegal and become an absolu...