jueves, 26 de mayo de 2022

Cities in Al-Alandalus

Craftspeople lived in the medina, and the  zoco was the market place. People prayed in the mezquita. Inside the city walls, there was usually a fort called alcazaba   and a fortified palace called an alcázarThe cities were surrounded by fields where farmers grew cereals, olives and grapes.          

Medieval cities                                                                                                                   
In the 12th century cities grew and became more important. New cities were usually  built near trade routes, such as roads and rivers. They were protected by a large wall that had fortified gateways.The streets were very narrow and the houses were made of wood and were close together, people lived in bad conditions. There was no running water in the houses and no sewage system.

Important buildings, such as the cathedral and the town hall, were in the main square. The main square was also where the market took place.     Craftspeople and artisans made products which were bought and sold by merchants.

By Social Science ByMe MacmillanIberica S.A.

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