jueves, 12 de mayo de 2022

The biosphere (1)

 1-What is the biosphere?

The biosphere is the global ecosystem which contains all other ecosystems. Every living thing is an important piece in it, because all organisms are interconnected. One extinction can lead to other extinctions.

Preserving biodiversity is our greatest challenge.

Every organism needs food, which provides the energy for it to live.
The movement of energy through an ecosystem can be represented through food chains and food webs.

2-What is a food chain?

A food chain shows ‘who is eating who’, and it is made up of 

several levels.

1- Producers: made their own food through photosyntesis. 

Examples: Plants and algae.

2- Consumers: obtain their food by eating other living things. 

Can be:

A) Primary consumers: eat just producers (plants and algae), 

that means that they are herbivores.

Examples: rabbits, sheep, butterflies, snails…

B) Secondary consumers: can eat producers (plants and algae) and other herbivorous animals,  and so they are  omnivores , or they can feed just on herbivores and them they are  carnivores.

Examples: foxes, cats, spiders, owls…

C) Tertiary consumers: eat just other animals, that means 

that they are carnivores.

Examples: snakes, hawks, tigers, sharks…

3- Decomposers: live on the remains of other living things. Most of them are fungi and bacteria.

3-What is a food web?

Most living things in an ecosystem are part of several food chains that are connected and make up a food web.

Here you are more information about consumers in Spanish

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