martes, 4 de octubre de 2022

 The nervous system

The nervous system receives information from our senses and sends it to brain that sends messages to different parts of the body to respond to the stimuli from our senses. 

The nervous system is made up of 2 parts: 

1- The central nervous system.

The brain and the spinal cord make up our central nervous system.

    1-1.The brain controls our nervous system and is protected by the skull. It is made up of three main parts.

    • The cerebrum is the biggest part of our brain.

    • The cerebellum is controlling our movements

    • The brain stem controls involuntary actions such as our heartbeat, breathing and sleeping.

1-2.The spinal cord  runs from our brain down our spine and is protected by the vertebrae.

2- The peripheral nervous system.

The peripheral nervous system is made up of nerves. Nerves are made up of tiny cells called neurons

How do the nervous system work?

The nervous system receives information from our senses and sends it to brain that sends messages to different parts of the body to respond to the stimuli from our senses. 

Tell me about the parts of the nevous system.

The nervous system is made up of 2 parts: 

1- The central nervous system that is made up of:

    1-1.The brain controls our nervous system and is protected by the skull. It is made up of three main parts: The cerebrum is the biggest part , The cerebellum  and The brain stem 

    1-2.The spinal cord  runs from our brain down our spine and is protected by the vertebrae.

2- The peripheral nervous system.

The peripheral nervous system is made up of nerves. Nerves are made up of tiny cells called neurons

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