jueves, 13 de octubre de 2022

The senses

Our sense organs allow us to interact with the world around us.

1- Sight

Light reflected from an object enters our eyes through the cornea and pupilNerve receptors in the retina transmit the information to the optic nerve which then sends the information to the brain.


2-  Smell

Particles in the air enter our nose through our nostrils, then they come into contact with nerve receptors which send the information to the brain.


3- Taste

Substances enter our mouth and come into contact with our tongue. The tongue is covered in taste buds which  detect the different tastes (salty, sweet, bitter and sour) and send the information to the brain.

**Chemicals from substances in our mouths also enter the nose ,if we have a blocked nose, food often tastes different or bland.

4- Touch

The skin covers and protects our body. The dermis, contains nerves  that detect sensations such as heat, pressure and texture.
The nerves in the skin send information to the brain .

5- Hearing
Sounds waves enter the ear and cause the eardrum to vibrate. These vibrations make small bones in the ear vibrate too, and become electrical signals in the cochlea, that are send to the brain.

How do our senses work?
Our sense organs allow us to interact with the world around us...( read above)

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