jueves, 20 de abril de 2023

3- The five kingdoms

3-1.Monera Kingdom
  • Organisms are all unicellular.
  • They have no separate nucleus.
  • Bacteria are the largest group .
  • They can cause illnesses but are also used in the process of fermentation and decomposition

3-2. Protist Kingdom
  • They can be unicellular or multicellular.
  • They have a nucleus .
  • They are usually found in water or damp environments
  • Algae and amoebae belong to the Protist Kingdom.

3-3. Fungi Kingdom
  • Fungi are found all over the world, in all environments.
  • Some are very small but others form large structures.  
  • Their cells have a nucleus 
  • They can be unicellular or multicellular.
  • Some fungi such as mushrooms can be eaten; others such as yeast are used to make bread.
  • Fungi help with decomposition, which is vital for the environment.


3-4. Plant Kingdom
  • All organisms in the Plant kingdoms are multicellular and their cells have a nucleus.
  • Plants  produce their own food using energy from the Sun. This process is called photosynthesis.
  • Plants do not move from place to place, but they react to stimuli such as light and water.
  • Plants are classified according to how they reproduce:
1-Flowering plants produce flowers in order to reproduce sexually . The flowers produce seeds within a fruit to reproduce.  They represent the largest and most diverse group within the kingdom. 


2-Non-flowering plants do not produce seeds; they reproduce asexually  using  spores.They include ferns and mosses .

                  Musgos                                                      Helechos

3-5. Animal Kingdom
  • Animals cannot produce their own food; they feed off other living organisms.
  • Most animals can move about and interact with their environment.
  • Animals are classified according to their body structure: 
1-Invertebrates are animals that do not have an internal skeleton. They include insects, worms, jellyfish, snails and starfish.

2-Vertebrates are animals with an internal skeleton. They include fish, birds, amphibians, reptiles and mammals. Most vertebrates have a well-developed nervous system, which means they can develop a brain and intelligence.

 2-Cells organization

All living things are made up of cells, which are the basic building blocks of life. In multicellular organisms, cells that carry out the same functions join together to make tissue. Tissue groups together to make organs such as the heart or lungs, which in turn form systems such as the circulatory system or the respiratory system. Together they form an organism.


There are 2 types of cells: 

Animal cells

                                                Plant cells




Our world is made up of living things and non-living things. Many of these living things are very small, while others are much larger than we are. However, they all share certain characteristics: they all interact with their environment, they grow, reproduce and eventually die. All living things are made up of cells

Living things can be classified into 5 kingdoms:

Characteristics of living things:
  • Nutrition: they need food to obtain energy.
  • Excretion: they produce waste.
  • Reproduction: they produce new living things.
  • Growth: they use energy to increase in size.
  • Movement: they change position.
  • Interaction: they connect with the world around them.
  • Respiration: they exchange gases with the environment.

miércoles, 19 de abril de 2023






Problemas de porcentajes

Problema 1

Un concesionario tiene 120 coches, el 35% de ellos son blancos y el 5% rojos. ¿Cuántos coches de cada color hay?

Problema 2

En el colegio A, les gusta el rock a 12 de sus 60 alumnos. En el colegio B, les gusta el rock a 18 de sus 120 alumnos. ¿A qué porcentaje de alumnos les gusta el rock en cada colegio? ¿En qué colegio gusta más el rock?

Problema 3

De los 684 lanzamientos que realizó Alberto, falló 513. ¿Qué porcentaje de lanzamientos fallidos tiene Alberto?

Problema 4

Lara acertó el 85% de las preguntas del test de inglés. Si el test tenía un total de 160 preguntas, ¿en cuántas preguntas no acertó?

Problema 5

El 18% de los árboles del jardín de la plaza mayor son almendros y el resto son naranjos. Si en la plaza 45 almendros, ¿cuánto árboles hay en total en la plaza?

5- The reigns of Fernando VII and Isabel II Fernando VII returns to the throne , he declared the constitution illegal and become an absolu...