jueves, 25 de mayo de 2023

5- The reigns of Fernando VII and Isabel II

Fernando VII returns to the throne , he declared the constitution illegal and become an absolute monarch.

The heir to the throne was supposed to be Fernando’s brother, Carlos, but Fernando VII instead chose his eldest daughter, Isabel. Isabel was only three years old when her father died in 1833, so her mother, María Cristina, and General Espartero ruled as regents until Isabel came to the throne at the age of 13 as Isabel II.

The beginning of the regency period was marked by civil wars known as the Carlist Wars. There were fights between two sides:

  • the supporters of the regent queen, María Cristina,
  • and supporters of the late king’s brother, Carlos.
Those supporting Carlos were called Carlists and were in favour of an absolute monarchy.

During Isabel II’s reign, Spain became a parliamentary monarchy. However, political instability and conflict led to her exile in 1868.

6-The labour movement.

Conditions for the working class in the 1800s were very bad. Workers in rural areas were unemployed for part of the year and industrial workers were also badly paid and worked long hours in dangerous conditions.

Many workers started organising themselves into associations (unions) to demand improvements in their wages and working conditions.

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5- The reigns of Fernando VII and Isabel II Fernando VII returns to the throne , he declared the constitution illegal and become an absolu...