martes, 31 de mayo de 2022


Problema 3:  "Javier quiere vallar su parecela. Mide 6 hm 5 dam y 4 m de perímetro. Si 1 dam de valla cuesta 10 euros, ¿cuánto dinero se gastará?"

Problema 4:  "Juan compra una botella de refresco de zumo de 1 litro y tres cuartos, y llena 5 vasos de 25 cl cada uno. ¿Cuántos litros de refresco de zumo le sobran en la botella?"

 Unidades de longitud, capacidad y masa.

lunes, 30 de mayo de 2022


Problema 1:  "Tenemos una botella de 1 litro y medio de refresco, y llenamos 6 vasos de 20 cl cada uno. ¿Cuántos centilitros de refresco sobran en la botella?"

Problema 2:  "Paula ha dado hoy 8 vueltas en bici al parque. Si cada vuelta que da recorre 5 hm 48 dam 29m, ¿cuántos kilómetros ha recorrido hoy?"

viernes, 27 de mayo de 2022


Problema 5:  "Se han fabricado 180.000 servilletas de papel de 400 mm de largo cada una. ¿Cuántos kilómetros medía de largo la bobina de papel que usaron para fabricarlas?"

Problema 6:  "En un cumpleaños se han usado 160.000 confetis de 6 mm de largo cada uno. ¿Cuántos metros medía la tira de papel con la que los fabricaron?"

jueves, 26 de mayo de 2022


Problema 4:  "Pilar tiene un jardín con un perímetro de 80,25 m y quiere vallarlo. El precio de 1 dam de valla es de 9,43 euros. ¿Cuánto dinero se gastará en vallarlo?"

Problema 5:  "Si tenemos 1 bote de refresco de 330 mililitros y una botella de 2 litros, ¿cuántos vasos completos de 25 centilitros puedo llenar? ¿Cuántos centilitros me sobrarán?"

 Art in the Middle Ages

Spanish medieval Art was varied. We can identify four main styles of medieval art in Spain: Islamic, RomanesqueGothic and Mudéjar.

-Islamic style : horseshoe arches, open courtyards, no sculptures, bright colours...

  • -Romanesque style: small windows, rounded arches,   thick walls, low structures, dark inside...            

  • Gothic style : big windows ,showing scenes from the Bible, pointed arches, thin walls, tall structures, rose windows.


  • Mudéjar style: In the Christian Kingdoms, Islamic style was mixed with the Romanesque or Gothic styles creating a new type of art called Mudéjar. 



  • Cities in Al-Alandalus

    Craftspeople lived in the medina, and the  zoco was the market place. People prayed in the mezquita. Inside the city walls, there was usually a fort called alcazaba   and a fortified palace called an alcázarThe cities were surrounded by fields where farmers grew cereals, olives and grapes.          

    Medieval cities                                                                                                                   
    In the 12th century cities grew and became more important. New cities were usually  built near trade routes, such as roads and rivers. They were protected by a large wall that had fortified gateways.The streets were very narrow and the houses were made of wood and were close together, people lived in bad conditions. There was no running water in the houses and no sewage system.

    Important buildings, such as the cathedral and the town hall, were in the main square. The main square was also where the market took place.     Craftspeople and artisans made products which were bought and sold by merchants.

    By Social Science ByMe MacmillanIberica S.A.

    miércoles, 25 de mayo de 2022


    Problema 1:  "Luis da 2 vueltas cada día a la pista de atletismo que mide 358 dam. ¿Cuántos hectómetros recorre cada día? ¿Cuántos kilómetros son?"

    Problema 2:  "El maestro compra una botella de agua de 2 litros y otra de 1 litro y medio. Si usa vasos de 25 centilitros, ¿cuántos vasos puede llenar de agua?"


    Just after the Muslim conquest in the 8th century , Christian kings were fighting for almost 8 centuries to recuperate their territories, this process is known as “The Reconquista”.

    The Reconquista began just after the Muslim conquest in the 8th century and finished with the conquest of the Kingdom of Granada in 1492.

    The Christians from the north of the Iberian Peninsula created small kingdoms . Don Pelayo ruled the Kingdom of Asturias and  defeated the Muslim army at the Battle of Covadonga. This victory marked the beginning of the Reconquista.

    In the 11th century, Al-Andalus was divided into small independent states called taifas. The taifas were in constant conflict, which helped the Christians  reconquer Muslim territories. 
    Alfonso VI, conquered Toledo.The Christian Kingdoms united and became bigger and stronger. In 1212, they defeated the Muslims at the Battle of Las Navas de Tolosa. This battle was a key victory in the Reconquista. Soon, they conquered Sevilla and Córdoba...

    In 1469, king Fernando II of Aragón and queen Isabel I of Castilla married creating one powerful Christian Kingdom. 
    In 1492, the Christians finally conquered the Kingdom of Granada.



    domingo, 22 de mayo de 2022

     The Muslim invasion: AL-ANDALUS

    In the 8th century, the Iberian Peninsula was invaded by Muslims. Soon they created one of the most advanced societies in Europe.

    The Visigoths were defeated in the Battle of Guadalete and in just a few years Muslims conquered most of the Iberian Peninsula and the Balearic Islands.

    The only remaining Christian territory was in the north of the peninsula. The Muslims called their conquered territory Al-Andalus.

    At first, Al-Andalus was a province that depended on Damascus, but later became independent. Abd al-Rahman III established the Caliphate of Córdoba. He was the first caliph and the greatest ruler of Al-Andalus.

    Economy and society

    Al-Andalus society consisted of three religious groups: Muslims, Christians and Jews. Most people in Al-Andalus lived in walled towns and cities. Their main activities were crafts and trade.

    Craftspeople lived in the medina, and the  the zoco was the market place. People prayed in the mezquita. Inside the city walls, there was usually a fort called an alcazaba and a fortified palace called an alcázar. The cities were surrounded by fields where farmers grew cereals, olives and grapes.

    The legacy of Al-Andalus

    The Muslims gave a lot to Spain. Perhaps the most important contribution from the people of Al-Andalus was their knowledge. They were responsible for great advances in medicine, astronomy and mathematicsThey introduced paper, the compass and Arabic numerals,  revolutionary due to its inclusion of the number zero. They also built libraries and universities and developed new methods of irrigation and introduced new crops, such as rice, oranges and aubergines.

    By Social Science ByMe MacmillanIberica S.A.


    viernes, 20 de mayo de 2022

     Read and learn

    Visigothic Kingdom

    From the III Century The Roman Empire was weaker and weaker, the borders were difficult to keep

    The Middle Ages began in the 5th century when four Germanic tribes, the Visigoths, the Suebi, the Vandals and the Alans settled in Hispania.

    In the 6th century, the Visigoths conquered the other three tribes, and took control of most of the Iberian Peninsula. The Visigoths established the capital of their kingdom in Toledo and adopted some of the Roman ways of life. They learnt Latin and followed Roman laws, but they kept some of their own customs too. The Visigoth king, Recaredo I, converted his kingdom to Catholicism.

    Visigoth society consisted of a king, nobles and peasants. The nobles came from wealthy families, often relatives of the king, who owned land and had considerable power. The king and nobles held councils to discuss any problems in the kingdom. The rest of the population were mostly peasants, who worked in the countryside on nobles’ land in exchange for food and a place to live. The Visigoths built small stone churches and were excellent metal workers.

    By Social Science ByMe MacmillanIberica S.A.


    jueves, 19 de mayo de 2022


    7) Para empaquetar cajas de regalo, Roberto ha utilizado 7 rollos de papel celo de 1,25 metros cada uno y dos rollos de 2,45 metros cada uno. ¿Cuántos metros de papel celo ha necesitado en total?

    8) Una jarra vacía pesa 0,68 Kg, y llena de agua 1728 Kg ¿Cuánto pesa el agua?

    miércoles, 18 de mayo de 2022


    5) Para una fiesta de Reyes, en un colegio se preparan 120 bolsitas con 125,45 gramos de peladillas, 42,18 gramos de chufas y 73,21 gramos de caramelos cada una. ¿Cuánto pesarán todas las bolsitas juntas? 

    6) Federico ha ido al cine y ha contado 26 filas de 36 butacas cada una. Si cada entrada cuesta 4,21 €, ¿cuánto dinero recaudan cuando se llena la sala? 

     The Middle Ages

    During the Middle Ages, different civilisations lived on the Iberian Peninsula. Visigoths settled after the Roman Empire fell. Then Muslims invaded, calling their new territories Al-Andalus.

    Three religious groups lived together: Muslims, Jews and Christians. Over the next centuries, the Christians in the north fought against the Muslims. By the end of 1492, the whole Iberian Peninsula was under Christian rule again. 





    martes, 17 de mayo de 2022


    3) Miriam quiere comprar un bono transporte. Uno de diez viajes le cuesta 60 € y uno de 16 viajes, 85,5 €. ¿Cuánto cuesta un viaje en cada caso? 

    4) El ascensor admite hasta 150 kilos de peso. Vicente quiere subir una caja de herramientas que pesa 6,7 kg, una bolsa con cemento de 23,6 kg, y una caja con ladrillos de 55,9 kg. Si Vicente pesa 89,5 kg, ¿qué debe hacer para subir toda la carga en sólo dos viajes?


    lunes, 16 de mayo de 2022


    1) Tres amigos han comprado a partes iguales un aparato de música que ha costado 89,55 €. ¿Cuánto dinero ha puesto cada uno? 

    2) Un paquete de leche cuesta 0,59 €. ¿Cuánto pagaremos por dos docenas de paquetes?

    viernes, 13 de mayo de 2022


    9)Una barra de pan cuesta 0,38 €. Elvira ha encargado a su hijo que compre 5 barras y le ha dado sólo una moneda para que pague. ¿Qué moneda le habrá dado? 

    10) Leticia va al aeropuerto con tres maletas. Su bolso pesa 3,74 kg, la mochila pesa 14,25 kg y la maleta grande pesa 29,82 kg. Si sólo puede llevar un total de 45 kg, ¿tendrá algún problema Leticia para embarcar? 

    The biosphere (2)

    4- Biodiversity loss : Extinction.

    A species becomes ‘extinct’ when every single member of that species dies.

    5- Causes of extinction. 

    There are many natural causes of extinction, however humans are responsible for most of the recent loss of biodiversity in the world. 
    Examples of destructive practices: climate change, hunting and capturing animals, alteration of habitats,  over-exploiting resources, pollution, releasing pets into the wild...

    6- Effects of extinction.

    Once a species is lost, it is no longer available to us as food, enjoyment,  as a resource for medicines and textiles among other things.

    7-Protecting biodiversity

    Endangered species are those which are in danger of extinction.

    National parks and biosphere reserves are created to protect wildlife and its environment.

    jueves, 12 de mayo de 2022

     La H intercalada



     7) Si unos buceadores han descendido 31,25 metros, y quieren llegar a una profundidad de 57,5 metros, ¿cuánto les falta para llegar al fondo? 

    8)Teresa quiere adornar la carroza que su barrio va a presentar al concurso, con una guirnalda de colores que mide 12,942 metros. Ha tenido que unir 6 cintas iguales para conseguir esa medida. ¿Cuánto mide cada cinta?

    The biosphere (1)

     1-What is the biosphere?

    The biosphere is the global ecosystem which contains all other ecosystems. Every living thing is an important piece in it, because all organisms are interconnected. One extinction can lead to other extinctions.

    Preserving biodiversity is our greatest challenge.

    Every organism needs food, which provides the energy for it to live.
    The movement of energy through an ecosystem can be represented through food chains and food webs.

    2-What is a food chain?

    A food chain shows ‘who is eating who’, and it is made up of 

    several levels.

    1- Producers: made their own food through photosyntesis. 

    Examples: Plants and algae.

    2- Consumers: obtain their food by eating other living things. 

    Can be:

    A) Primary consumers: eat just producers (plants and algae), 

    that means that they are herbivores.

    Examples: rabbits, sheep, butterflies, snails…

    B) Secondary consumers: can eat producers (plants and algae) and other herbivorous animals,  and so they are  omnivores , or they can feed just on herbivores and them they are  carnivores.

    Examples: foxes, cats, spiders, owls…

    C) Tertiary consumers: eat just other animals, that means 

    that they are carnivores.

    Examples: snakes, hawks, tigers, sharks…

    3- Decomposers: live on the remains of other living things. Most of them are fungi and bacteria.

    3-What is a food web?

    Most living things in an ecosystem are part of several food chains that are connected and make up a food web.

    5- The reigns of Fernando VII and Isabel II Fernando VII returns to the throne , he declared the constitution illegal and become an absolu...