viernes, 4 de noviembre de 2022


Exam questions.(7,5)

1-How do we move?

Our body moves in response to signals from the brain. These signals travel through the nervous system to our muscles. Our muscles contract and relax to allow us to move.

The muscles are supported by the skeleton and joints. The whole system is called the locomotor system.

2-What is the locomotor system made up of?

The locomotor system is made up of :

-The skeleton (bones)

-The joints

-The muscles

3- How many types of bones do you know?

The skeleton is made up of three types of bones.

1•Short bones, such as the vertebrae in the spine,

2•Flat bones, such as ribs and the pelvis,

3•Long bones that shape limbs.

** The longest bone of the body is the Femur (leg)(0,25)

4-Where are connected our bones?

Our bones are connected at the joints. There are three types of joints.

1.Fixed joints do not move. Example: the bones of the skull are connected by fixed joints.

2.Semi-flexible joints only allow small movements. Example: the vertebrae in the spine. 

3.Flexible joints allow a big movements. Most joints in the body are flexible and they are very important for movement.

5- Draw a squeleton and label the bones. **The bones of the skull.(Spanish)

**The skull is made up of these bones:  un frontal, dos parietales , un occipital, dos temporales,  un etmoides y un esfenoides .(0,50)

6-What do our muscles do?

The muscles contract and relax in response to signals from the brain to allow us to move.

7- How many types of muscles do you know?

There are three types of muscles.

1-Skeletal muscles are joined to the bones by tendons. They are voluntary muscles, this means that we can move them at will.

2-Smooth muscles are found in organs such as the intestines or stomach. They are involuntary muscles, this means that  we cannot control them.

3-Cardiac muscle makes up our heart. They are involuntary muscles we cannot control them.

8- Draw a human body and label the muscles.  (Spanish)

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