lunes, 7 de noviembre de 2022

 4-The climate in Spain 

Climate describes the average weather conditions in a particular area over a period of time. 

There are a variety of climates in Spain which range from rainy and wet in the north to dry and hot further south. Climate variation allows different flora and fauna to flourish throughout the country.

Alpine climate

Winters and summers are cool, it rains a lot and usually in the form of snow.

Flora: oak, fir and coniferous trees.
Fauna: goats, vultures, eagles.

Continental climate

Winters are very cold and summers are very hot
Flora: coniferous and deciduous trees, thyme
Fauna: squirrels, deer, hares, wild boar, foxes, trout
Mediterranean climate
This climate covers the entire Mediterranean coast and most of Andalucía and Extremadura. Winters are mild and summers are hot. 
Flora: pine and oak trees, heather
Fauna: Iberian lynx, rabbits, flamingos
Oceanic climate
Heavy rainfall  makes the landscape very green. Winters are not very cold and summers are mild.
Flora: deciduous forests, oak trees, ferns, mosses
Fauna: Iberian brown bears, salmon
Subtropical climate
This climate exists only in the Canary Islands . It is characterised by  warm temperatures all year. Precipitation is low.
Flora: pine trees, cacti, palm trees, dragon trees
Fauna: lizards, turtles

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